Thursday, July 10, 2008

Walden Dream Part 2

Walden Dream Part 2

ok, to the nitty gritty: What is the Walden Dream about

it is made up of:

In the old days, it was about creating your own house, building from scratch, and with the least expensive materials... whatever came to hand, or foot... literally... things haven't changed much since then... the only difference is, that most people want to have a modicum of conveniences, such as inside toilets and running water, with an order of electricity on the side... And Technology has said, sure, we can get it to you, for a price... now 40 years ago, that would have meant HIGH price, but over the years this price has decreased as the World has had to learn to grapple with Global Warming, and the Demise (ok, perhaps prolonged death rattle) of the Fossil Fuel Society, and is dropping yearly... nowadays, we have access to Solar Electric Technologies, Waste Converting Technologies, Home Heating Technologies, that are on a human scale, fit for purpose, in our individual homes... people can chose to go small c conservationist, or go BIG C… or in other words, they can buff up the house hold expense account save a few bucks a month, or go and cut out all ties to the city grid, and save a whole bundle of money, after expenses of course...

Income vs Expenses:

And that is where Income vs Expenses comes in... ‘cause make no mistake, even though these technologies have come down in price, they are still going to cost, and you ain't going to get them by trading all the chestnut jewelry your better half made last winter, or that wheel of Cheddar Cheese... nope, your going to have to have hard cash... and then there is the upkeep... nothing lasts forever... sooooooooo your first going to have to get a bit of money together, and two there is going to have to be some form of yearly income... but how much income and how much expenses... well that will depend on how much technology you want... or how much you want to give up... and how much you can make do for yourself or without...

The Philosophy:

Putting those two together is where the philosophical debate is going to lie... ‘cause when it comes down to it, that is what you will drag your sorry ass to do to get yourself set up... if you don't know the answers to the philosophical questions, when the rubber hits the road, you may find one or t’other of you (if there is a partnership) may be heading down that road to the big city, with a 'I won't be coming back!' sign printed on their tie-dye t-shirt....

The Art of The Possible:

So it all comes down to the art of the possible... and that my friend, is where you will have to determine where you draw the line... what you are willing to do, what you can do, and if that weren't enough, what Mother Nature and the Government is going to allow you to do...

Sure seems a bit daunting doesn't it... makes you want to turn around now and head for that condo in the sky on Bay and Front, and your cozy office in the 34th floor of the tower next door, with your 6 figure salary and the high blood pressure to go with it...

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